MediaKind on Mobile content

Video made by: Chris Video created for: YourStoryz / IBC 2024

Exciting insights from Chris, Head of Marketing at MediaKind, a leading software development house building video software infrastructure for global operators and iconic sports brands. At IBC, we are focused on connecting with existing and new customers, showcasing our innovative solutions. Diversifying our customer base and embracing content creation to engage with audiences is key for our growth. #MediaKind #VideoSoftware #Innovation

‘So if you look at a lot of our customers, a lot of our customers are D2C streamers, right? So they engage with fans, they engage with their audience primarily through applications. So for us that content creation piece is actually something really interesting. We ourselves don’t facilitate that, but we work with companies who would do that as part of an application, and I think it’s really powerful. If we look at that whole, if you like, crowdsourcing of content and create a market, making our applications and our broadcast-grade solutions better adopted by that audience really helps with our scale. And I think it’s cool getting everyone’s opinions, crowdsourcing that information and what people think about an event can be really powerful for a lot of our customers.’